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ACI 2024

The Eleventh International Conference on Animal-Computer Interaction 2-5 December 2024, hosted by the University of Glasgow, UK. The Event is in-cooperation with the Association for Computing Machinery and the Special Interest Group on Computer human Interaction.

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ACI is the leading International Conference on Animal-Computer Interaction. It is a highly multidisciplinary event drawing researchers and practitioners from diverse backgrounds to share and discuss work and topics related to the research and design of computing-enabled and interactive technology for and with animals. We are keen to be as inclusive as possible. We wish to welcome a wide range of contributions and participants to the conference, promote a constructive dialogue around the animal-centred research and design of computing-enabled systems, and foster the development of ACI as a discipline. The conference is open to contributions from researchers and practitioners in a wide range of fields, including (but not limited to) ethics, behavior analysis, psychology, veterinary behavior, zoology, ethology, interaction design, computer science, and electrical engineering


Submissions might address topics such as: how to conduct ACI research in a world where commercial design and deployment of technology for animals outpaces academic thought; the role of technology in human-animal relationships; studies and/or analysis of large-scale technology for animals deployments, considerations in the broader context of technology for animal use, or methods and reflections on studying the next generation of technology for animals. We appreciate high-quality articles on any topic related to ACI. If your work broadly pertains to animals and technology and aligns with our community expectations of ethical treatment of animals, it is likely a fit for the ACI community. 


Submissions will be peer-reviewed, and accepted submissions will be included in the ACI2024 Conference. This includes accepted full and emerging papers, workshops and doctoral consortium submissions.



Submission Tracks and deadlines:


Research papers: Submission Deadline May 31st, 2024 extended to 7 June, 2024
Workshop proposals: Submission Deadline June 7th, 2024
Emerging work: Submission Deadline August 2nd, 2024
Doctoral consortium: Submission Deadline August 9th, 2024


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