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ACI2022 Conference Program


Monday, 5th December


Animal Centered Research beyond ACI: Exploring the Applicability of Animal Centered Principles to All Animal Research 
09:00 – 15:30 GMT
Hybrid: Online and at Northumbria University

Clara Mancini, The Open University

Eleonora Nannoni, University of Bologna



Tuesday, 6th December


Sensory Jam 2022: Exploring other sensibilities - beyond human senses and aesthetics

09:00 – 15:30 GMT

Hybrid: Online and at Northumbria University

Fiona French, London Metropolitan University

Christopher Flynn Martin, Indianapolis Zoo

Clara Mancini, The Open University


Designing for Trust Autonomous Animal-Centric Robotic & AI Systems

10:00 – 15:30 GMT

Hybrid: Online and at University of Nottingham

Alan Chamberlain, University of Nottingham

Steve Benford, University of Nottingham

Joel Fischer, University of Nottingham

Pepita Barnard, University of Nottingham

Chris Greenhalgh, University of Nottingham

Ju Row Farr, BlastTheory

Nick Tandavanitj, BlastTheory

Matt Adams, BlastTheory




Wednesday, 7th December



08:00 – 08:45 GMT 

Reception with Coffee


08:45 – 9:00 GMT

Welcome, Dirk van der Linden, University of Northumbria

09:00 – 10:00 GMT
Opening Keynote: Responsible software engineering for community, care, and kindness
Bashar Nuseibeh, The Open University & Lero

Bashar Nuseibeh is Professor of Computing at The Open University (Director of Research 2001-2008) and a Professor of Software Engineering at Lero - The Irish Software Research Centre (Chief Scientist 2009-2012 & 2017-). Previously he was a Reader in Computing at Imperial College London and Head of its Software Engineering Laboratory. He was a Visiting Professor at Imperial College London (2005-2015), and is currently an Honorary Professor at University College London and a Visiting Professor at the National Institute of Informatics (NII), Tokyo, Japan.


10:00  – 10:30 GMT



10:30  – 12:00 GMT

Paper Session 1: Designing for Human-Animal Relations


Politicising Animal-Computer Interaction: an Approach to Political Engagement with Animal-Centred Design

       Clara Mancini, The Open University

Orit Hirsch-Matsioulas, Haifa University
Daniel Metcalfe, Technion


Animal-centered design needs dignity: a critical essay on ACI’s core concept

Dirk van der Linden, Northumbria University


Investigation on Enhancement of the Sense of Life in Safari Park Online Tours with Animal Breathing Reproduction System

Minori Tsuji, Future University Hakodate

Yoshinari Takegawa,  Future University Hakodate

Keiji Hirata, Future University Hakodate

 Kohei Matsumura, Ritsumeikan University


A Framework for Training Animals to Use Touchscreen Devices for Discrimination Tasks

Jennifer Cunha, Parrot Kindergarten

Corinne Renguette, Indiana University–Purdue University


Doctoral Consortium Virtual Presentation
Towards Automated Facial Landmark Detection for Animals
George Martvel, University of Haifa

12:00 PM – 14:00 GMT

Lunch Break


14:00 – 15:30 GMT

Paper Session 2: Recognising Animals & Animal Behaviour


Dog emotion recognition from images in the wild: DEBIw dataset and first results

Fernanda Hernández-Luquin, INAOE

Benjamín Gutiérrez Serafín, CICESE-UT3

Hugo Jair Escalante, INAOE

Humberto Pérez Espinosa, CICESE-UT3

Luis Villaseñor-Pineda, INAOE
Verónica Reyes Meza, CTBC-UATx


Detecting Canine Mastication: A Wearable Approach

Charles Ramey, Georgia Institute of Technology,

Sarah Krichbaum, Auburn University,

Arianna Mastali, Georgia Institute of Technology

Jodie Lin, Georgia Institute of Technology

Thad Starner, Georgia Institute of Technology

Melody Jackson, Georgia Institute of Technology


Do AI Models ``Like" Black Dogs? Towards Exploring Perceptions of Dogs with Vision-Language Models

Marcelo Feighelstein, University of Haifa

Einat Kovalyo, University of Haifa

Jennifer Abrams, CUNY Hunter College

Sarah-Elisabeth Byosiere, CUNY Hunter College,

Anna Zamansky, University of Haifa


How Can Technology Support Dog Shelters in Behavioral Assessment: an Exploratory Study

Yael Hazan, University of Haifa

Orit Hirsch-Matsioulas, University of Haifa

Dirk van der Linden, Northumbria University

Anna Zamansky, University of Haifa


15:30  – 16:00 GMT
Coffee Break


16:00  – 17:30 GMT

Paper Session 3: Learning From and With Each Other

Measuring Digitally Comparative Abilities Between Discreet and Continuous Quantities through a Digital Enrichment Application

Jérémy Barbay, Universidad  de Chile

Fabián Jaña Ubal, Universidad de Chile

Cristóbal Sepulveda Álvarez, Universidad de Chile


Noisy technology, anxious dogs: can technology support caregiving in the home?

Jasmine Forester-Owen, Northumbria University

Dirk van der Linden, Northumbria University


Comparing Symbolic and Numerical Counting Times between Humans and non Humans Through a Digital Life Enrichment Application

Jérémy Barbay, Universidad de Chile

Fabián Jaña Ubal, Universidad de Chile


Popping Up Balloons for Science: a Research Proposal

Jérémy Barbay, Universidad de Chile

Daniel Freire-Fernández, Universidad de Chile

Danko Lobos, Universidad de Chile


A Loggable Aid to Speech (for Human and Non Human Animals): A Research Proposal

Jérémy Barbay, Universidad de Chile

Camila Labarca, Universidad de Chile

Brandon Peña-Haipas, Universidad de Chile


19:00 PM – 22:00 GMT
Conference Dinner at Six BALTIC


Thursday, 8th December


9:00 – 10:00 GMT

Keynote: Time Savers or Toys? Realities of Animal Technology in Industry
Carys L. Williams (DogsTrust)


Carys is a mixed-methods Research Officer at the UK’s largest dog welfare charity, Dogs Trust. Carys’ work has focused on practical and applicable dog behaviour and welfare research to improve the lives of dogs, especially those in Dogs Trust’s 22 rehoming centres (around 12,000 dogs a year!). For the last 2 years Carys has been project lead for the Dogs Trust Post Adoption Support longitudinal research project. She has additionally supported the charity’s move to collect more and better dog data, helping build exciting bespoke digital systems. Carys has also spent over a decade in the zoo industry and is currently a volunteer invertebrate keeper at ZSL London Zoo.


10:30  – 12:00 GMT

Paper Session 4: Sensors & Signals, Part I: Origin Stories


Motion-Resilient ECG Signal Reconstruction from a Wearable IMU through Attention Mechanism and Contrastive Learning

Jianxun Wang, North Carolina State University

David L. Roberts, North Carolina State University

 Marc Foster, North Carolina State University

Alper Bozkurt, North Carolina State University


TamagoPhone: A framework for augmenting artificial incubators to enable vocal interaction between bird parents and eggs

Rebecca Kleinberger, Massachusetts Institute of Technology & Northeastern University,

Megha Vemuri, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Janelle Sands, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,

Harpreet Sareen, Parson School of Design, The New School

Janet Baker, Massachusetts Institute of Technology


Simultaneous Contact-Free Physiological Sensing of Human Heart Rate and Canine Breathing Rate for Animal Assisted Interactions: Experimental and Analytical Approaches

Timothy Holder, North Carolina State University

Mushfiqur Rahman, North Carolina State University

Emily Summers, North Carolina State University

David L. Roberts, North Carolina State University
Chau-Wai Wong, North Carolina State University

Alper Bozkurt, North Carolina State University


Doctoral Consortium Virtual Presentation
Equalising Human-Stray Cat Interactions through Technology in Urban Cities
Sena Cucumak, Koç University

12:00  – 14:00 GMT
Lunch Break


14:00 – 15:30 GMT

Paper Session 5: Sensors & Signals, Part II: Electric Boogaloo


Towards a monitoring and emergency alarm system activated by the barking of assistant dogs

Edwin Raúl Abrego-Ulloa, CICESE-UT3

Carlos Alberto Aguilar-Lazcano, CICESE-UT3

Humberto Pérez-Espinosa, CICESE-UT3

Liliana Rodríguez-Vizzuett, CICESE-UT3

Ismael E. Espinosa-Curiel, CICESE-UT3

Hugo Jair Escalante-Balderas, INAOE

Fernanda Hérnandez-Luquin, INAOE


WAG’D: Towards a Wearable Activity and Gait Detection Monitor for Sled Dogs

Charles Ramey, Georgia Institute of Technology

Arianna Mastali, Georgia Institute of Technology

Cole Anderson, Georgia Institute of Technology

Will Stull, Georgia Institute of Technology

Thad Starner, Georgia Institute of Technology
Melody Jackson, Georgia Institute of Technology


Spatial and Temporal Analytic Pipeline for Evaluation of Potential Guide Dogs Using Location and Behavior Data

Yifan Wu,  North Carolina State University

David L. Roberts,  North Carolina State University

Alper Bozkurt,  North Carolina State University

Evan Williams,  North Carolina State University

Timothy Holder,  North Carolina State University

Marc Foster, North Carolina State University


Comparing Accelerometry and Computer Vision Sensing Modalities for High-Resolution Canine Tail Wagging Interpretation


Devon Martin,  North Carolina State University

Timothy Holder,  North Carolina State University

Colt Nichols,  North Carolina State University

Jeremy Park, North Carolina State University

Alper Bozkurt,  North Carolina State University

David L. Roberts,  North Carolina State University


15:30 – 16:00 GMT

Coffee Break


16:00 – 17 :30 GMT

Paper Session 6: Investigating Human-Animal Relations


Watching Animal-Computer Interaction: Effects on Perceptions of Animal Intellect

Sarah Webber, University of Melbourne

Wally Smith, University of Melbourne

Marcus Carter, University of Sydney,

Frank Vetere, University of Melbourne


Blind dogs need guides too: towards technological support for blind dog

Alexandra Morgan, Northumbria University

Dirk van der Linden, Northumbria University


A Face Recognition System for Bears: Protection for Animals and Humans in the Alps

Oliver Bendel, University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland

Ali Yürekkirmaz, University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland



Conference Closing




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